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HOW can neural stem cells help us?

  • Around the world, many people suffer from disease and injury of the nervous system, which in many cases are irreversible.


  • For example, dementia is a neurodegenerative disorder where the brain atrophies due to brain cell death. This causes memory loss and difficulty performing day to day activities. Neural stem cells could provide a solution to this problem by regenerating lost brain tissue and reducing the effects of dementia. ​

This image shows a healthy brain on the left and one affected by dementia on the right, where there is clear tissue loss.

This image shows that the spinal cord has been damaged due to some trauma.

  • Spinal chord injuries are another ailment that affects the nervous system. As a result of these injuries, patients are confined to wheel chairs and many motor functions are debilitated.

  • Neural stem cells can be used to repair degenerated axons, providing a possible treatment for spinal cord injury.

  • The implantation of neural stem cells into the injured regions poses a possible solution to these injuries, and can allow for the repair of damaged cells and tissues.

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