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Image credit: C. Blanpain, V. Horsley, E. Fuchs, Epithelial stem cells: turning over new leaves, Cell, 128 (2007), p. 445.

Image credit: C. Blanpain, V. Horsley, E. Fuchs, Epithelial stem cells: turning over new leaves, Cell, 128 (2007), p. 445.

HOW can ESCs help us?

Regenerating the Eye's Cornea

  • ESCs are isolated from a biopsy of the other eye and allowed 100% recover of vision (middle)

  • Microscope image (right) shows normal tissue organization after recovery

  • Epithelial sheet from human keratinocytes (skin cells) grown on a fibrin matrix is shown on the left

  • Patient's skin heals 3.5 years after the transplant

  • Microscope image (right) shows that layers and structure of the epidermis look normal

Skin Regeneration

  • ESCs are used to treat patient with alkali burns and scarring in the cornea of the eye (left)

  • Epithelial sheets (2nd image) are used to treat patients with burns over 95% of his body

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